Thomas Reed

They shall not be moved

Thomas Reed
They shall not be moved

Images: John Johnson.

Everton fans were never going to take their club being docked 10 points lying down.

They made a very clear protest towards the Premier League at Sunday’s match at Goodison vs Manchester United.

This is a fanbase that aren’t backwards in coming forwards and therefore won’t be moved.

©John Johnson/ Terrace Edition. Everton FC.



©John Johnson/ Terrace Edition. Everton FC.


©John Johnson/ Terrace Edition. Everton FC.


©John Johnson/ Terrace Edition. Everton FC.


©John Johnson/ Terrace Edition. Everton FC.


©John Johnson/ Terrace Edition. Everton FC.


©John Johnson/ Terrace Edition. Everton FC.


©John Johnson/ Terrace Edition. Everton FC.


You can find John on Instagram: @johnjohnsonphoto, on Facebook: John Johnson Photography and Twitter:@john_johno